Dwi’n adrodd storïau hen a newydd yn Saesneg, Cymraeg (weithiau yn Ffrangeg), mewn nifer o leoliadau gwahanol ynghyd ag eraill neu fel perfformiwr unigol.
I tell stories old and new in English, Welsh (and occasionally in French), in many different settings, in collaboration with others or as a solo performer.
I tell stories old and new in English, Welsh (and occasionally in French), in many different settings, in collaboration with others or as a solo performer.
Mae gan Holly Robinson 30 mlynedd o brofiad perfformio fel chwaraewr ffidil ac mae’n byw yng Ngorllewin Cymru, ac yn cynnig gwasanaethau PR hefyd.
West Wales based fiddle player, tutor and workshop leader Holly Robinson has 30 years’ experience as a performing musician, and also offers PR services.
West Wales based fiddle player, tutor and workshop leader Holly Robinson has 30 years’ experience as a performing musician, and also offers PR services.
Cantores a telynores sy’n canu caneuon gwerin mewn arddull naturiol a thraddodiadol.
Folk singer and harpist who performs Welsh folk songs in a natural and traditional style.
Folk singer and harpist who performs Welsh folk songs in a natural and traditional style.
Gitarau a mandolinau wedi'u gwneud â llaw, a chyrsiau gwneud offerynnau
Handmade guitars and mandolins, and instrument-making courses
Handmade guitars and mandolins, and instrument-making courses
Band Cajun, Country, steil Lousiana, Blues yw Whiskey River.
Whiskey River is a UK-based, swamp-rocking, Louisiana-style Zyde-cajun band performing Red-Hot Blues from the Bayous.
Whiskey River is a UK-based, swamp-rocking, Louisiana-style Zyde-cajun band performing Red-Hot Blues from the Bayous.
Mae llwyth o wybodaeth ar gael ar ddawnsio traddodiadol Cymreig ar wefan Cymdeithas Ddawns Werin Cymru. Mae’r safle yn cynnwys gwybodaeth am hanesion dawnsiau, timau o gwmpas Cymru, digwyddiadau a gwyliau.
There’s masses of information on traditional Welsh dance on the website of the Welsh Folk Dance Society. The site includes information on dances, teams around Wales, events and festivals.
There’s masses of information on traditional Welsh dance on the website of the Welsh Folk Dance Society. The site includes information on dances, teams around Wales, events and festivals.
Mae Steve yn storïwr ac addysgwr, ac yn byw yng Nghaerdydd. Mae’n adrodd storïau sy’n deillio o draddodiadau doethineb y byd – yn enwedig y rhai hynny sy’n gwneud i ni ail-feddwl a gwneud y byd yn lle brafiach i fod ynddo.
Steve is a storyteller and educator based in Cardiff. He tells stories of the wisdom traditions from all over the world – particularly those that make us think again and make the world a lighter place to be in.
Steve is a storyteller and educator based in Cardiff. He tells stories of the wisdom traditions from all over the world – particularly those that make us think again and make the world a lighter place to be in.
Hyfforddwraig Dawnsio Gwerin a stepio yn ardal Abertawe.
Folk dance and traditional stepping teacher in the Swansea area.
Folk dance and traditional stepping teacher in the Swansea area.
Lleoliad / Location
Abertawe / Swansea
Ers 1983, mae Robin Huw Bowen wedi cyflwyno’r Delyn Deires Gymreig a’i cherddoriaeth i filoedd led-led y byd.
Since 1983, Robin Huw Bowen has introduced the Welsh Triple Harp and its music to thousands all over the world.
Since 1983, Robin Huw Bowen has introduced the Welsh Triple Harp and its music to thousands all over the world.
Monthly workshops in Breton and French dance followed by Fest-noz/Bal with live music from guest bands, resident artists and the music workshop ensemble.
Telynores rhyngwladol o Aberystwyth yw Harriet Earis sy’n perfformio ar ben ei hunan ac hefyd gyda sioe dawns “Harp and Tap”.
Harriet Earis is an international harpist from Aberystwyth who plays by herself and as part of the dance show “Harp and Tap”.
Harriet Earis is an international harpist from Aberystwyth who plays by herself and as part of the dance show “Harp and Tap”.
Mae Guto Dafis yn ganwr caneuon ac yn storïwr. Mae ei repertoire yn cwmpasu caneuon, alawon, a straeon yn Gymraeg a Saesneg, traddodiadol a chyfoes - repertoire sydd wedi tyfu allan o'i dirwedd bersonol a cherddorol ei hun.
Guto Dafis is a singer of songs and teller of tales. His repertoire encompasses songs, tunes and tales in Welsh and English, traditional and contemporary – a repertoire that has grown out of his own personal and musical landscape.
Guto Dafis is a singer of songs and teller of tales. His repertoire encompasses songs, tunes and tales in Welsh and English, traditional and contemporary – a repertoire that has grown out of his own personal and musical landscape.
Chwedleuwraig yw Fiona sy’n adrodd storïau traddodiadol a gasglwyd o bedwar ban byd, yn enwedig o’r Mabinogi a chwedlau sy’n sôn am ferched a menywod cadarn. Mae wedi dysgu’r Gymraeg i safon da, ac yn gweithio’n ddwyieithog.
Fiona is a storyteller telling traditional tales from around the world, especially from the Mabinogi and tales of strong girls and women. She is a Welsh learner to a good standard and works bilingually.
Fiona is a storyteller telling traditional tales from around the world, especially from the Mabinogi and tales of strong girls and women. She is a Welsh learner to a good standard and works bilingually.
Tiwtoriaid / Tutors, Tiwtoriaid / Tutors, Tiwtoriaid / Tutors, Tiwtoriaid / Tutors, Tiwtoriaid / Tutors, Tiwtoriaid / Tutors, Tiwtoriaid / Tutors, Tiwtoriaid / Tutors, Tiwtoriaid / Tutors, Tiwtoriaid / Tutors, Tiwtoriaid / Tutors, Tiwtoriaid / Tutors, Tiwtoriaid / Tutors, Tiwtoriaid / Tutors, Tiwtoriaid / Tutors, Tiwtoriaid / Tutors, Tiwtoriaid / Tutors, Tiwtoriaid / Tutors, Tiwtoriaid / Tutors, Tiwtoriaid / Tutors, Tiwtoriaid / Tutors, Tiwtoriaid / Tutors, Tiwtoriaid / Tutors, Tiwtoriaid / Tutors, Tiwtoriaid / Tutors, Tiwtoriaid / Tutors
Mae’r Foxglove Trio yn mwynhau darganfod caneuon gwerin anadnabyddus a’u trawsnewid nhw fel rhan o gyfansoddiadau crefftus.
The Foxglove Trio is a group of multi-instrumentalists who perform mostly traditional songs from around the British Isles in English and Welsh.
The Foxglove Trio is a group of multi-instrumentalists who perform mostly traditional songs from around the British Isles in English and Welsh.
Delyth & Angharad : Deuawd gwerin mam a merch o Abertawe.
Delyth & Angharad: Mother and daughter folk duo from Swansea.
Delyth & Angharad: Mother and daughter folk duo from Swansea.
Ganwyd Delyth yn dref Croesoswallt ar y ffin. Symudodd i dde Cymru i astudio Ffrangeg a Saesneg ac mae wedi bod yno ers hynny.
Born in the border town of Oswestry, Delyth moved to South Wales to study French and English and has been there ever since.
Born in the border town of Oswestry, Delyth moved to South Wales to study French and English and has been there ever since.
Rydym yn cyfarfod bob nos Lun yn Llanfyllin er mwyn dysgu ac ymarfer dawnsfeydd gwerin o Gymru a rwtinau clocsio a’r alawon sy’n cyd-fynd â nhw. Mae ein grŵp yn cynnwys dawnswyr, cerddorion a’r rheiny sy’n dawnsio ac yn chwarae offerynnau.
We meet every Monday evening in Llanfyllin to learn and practice Welsh folk dances and clogging routines and their tunes. Our group consists of dancers, musicians and those who both dance and play.
We meet every Monday evening in Llanfyllin to learn and practice Welsh folk dances and clogging routines and their tunes. Our group consists of dancers, musicians and those who both dance and play.
Galwr a thiwtor dawns
Dance tutor and caller
Dance tutor and caller
Mae Clocs Canton yn grŵp dawns Forys Gogledd Orllewin (ffurf nodweddiadol ar ddawnsio Morys, sy’n defnyddio clocsiau) wedi’i leoli yng Nghaerdydd.
Clocs Canton are a North West Morris dance group based in Cardiff, South Wales. We perform at a variety of events - fetes, festivals and in pubs both around Cardiff and further afield.
Clocs Canton are a North West Morris dance group based in Cardiff, South Wales. We perform at a variety of events - fetes, festivals and in pubs both around Cardiff and further afield.
Mae Carl yn gallu perfformio mewn nifer o sefyllfaoedd. Mae’n angerddol am storiâu sydd yn helpu pobl i deimlo cysylltiad gydag eraill a’r byd o’u cwmpas
Carl is able to deliver in a range of situations. He holds a passion for tales that help people connect to the world around them and to each other.
Carl is able to deliver in a range of situations. He holds a passion for tales that help people connect to the world around them and to each other.
Mae CALAN yn fand gwerin Gymreig sy’n cynnwys pum aelod.
CALAN are a multi award-winning Welsh folk band.
CALAN are a multi award-winning Welsh folk band.
Bandiau a Cherddorion / Bands and Musicians, Bandiau a Cherddorion / Bands and Musicians, Bandiau a Cherddorion / Bands and Musicians, Bandiau a Cherddorion / Bands and Musicians, Bandiau a Cherddorion / Bands and Musicians, Bandiau a Cherddorion / Bands and Musicians, Bandiau a Cherddorion / Bands and Musicians, Bandiau a Cherddorion / Bands and Musicians, Bandiau a Cherddorion / Bands and Musicians, Bandiau a Cherddorion / Bands and Musicians, Bandiau a Cherddorion / Bands and Musicians, Bandiau a Cherddorion / Bands and Musicians, Bandiau a Cherddorion / Bands and Musicians
Bragod yw cydweithrediad rhwng cerddor Cymreig Robert Evans a chantores o Drinidad, Mary-Anne Robert.
Bragod is a musical collaboration between Welsh instrumentalist Robert Evans and a Trinidadian singer Mary-Anne Roberts.
Bragod is a musical collaboration between Welsh instrumentalist Robert Evans and a Trinidadian singer Mary-Anne Roberts.
Mae Burum yn fand hollol unigryw yng Nghymru sydd yn chwarae alawon traddodiadol Cymraeg mewn arddull jazz.
Burum are a truly unique Welsh band that fuse both the Welsh folk tradition and jazz.
Burum are a truly unique Welsh band that fuse both the Welsh folk tradition and jazz.
Yn canu caneuon, yn eu hysgrifennu, yn adrodd straeon.
Sings songs, writes them, tells stories.
Sings songs, writes them, tells stories.
Ethereal Celtic Folk from Wales
Gweithdai cerddoriaeth draddodiadol sy’n defnyddio ffordd o ddysgu sy’n pwysleisio profiad y dysgwr sy’n addas ar gyfer pob oedran a gallu. Dysgwch harmonica diatonig (pob steil), offerynnau taro gwerin (llwyau a thabwrdd), jaw harp, chwiban, ukulele, canu ac ysgrifennu caneuon.
User-friendly, learner-focused traditional music workshops, suits all ages and abilities. Learn diatonic harmonica (all styles), folk percussion (spoons, bodhran), jaw harps, pennywhistle, ukulele, singing and song-writing.
User-friendly, learner-focused traditional music workshops, suits all ages and abilities. Learn diatonic harmonica (all styles), folk percussion (spoons, bodhran), jaw harps, pennywhistle, ukulele, singing and song-writing.