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Christine Watkins
Dwi’n adrodd storïau hen a newydd yn Saesneg, Cymraeg (weithiau yn Ffrangeg), mewn nifer o leoliadau gwahanol ynghyd ag eraill neu fel perfformiwr unigol.
Mae’r storïau dwi’n mwynhau yn adrodd yn gweu'r sanctaidd a’r sefyllfaoedd bob-dydd. Dwi’n adrodd ac yn dyfeisio storïau ar gyfer perfformiadau, gweithdai, gwyliau, seremonïau a chyrsiau. Mae gen i gorff o waith cafodd ei greu mewn cydweithrediad â gwyddonwyr mewn amryw o ddisgyblaethau fel rhan o nifer o brosiectau a dwi’n hapus i weithio gyda storïau gwyddoniaeth.
Dwi hefyd yn medru storïau a gweithdai yn seiliedig ar fy nghasgliad o Chwedlau Gwerin Gwent a chyhoeddwyd gan The History Press.

I tell stories old and new in English, Welsh (and occasionally in French), in many different settings, in collaboration with others or as a solo performer.
The stories I love to tell weave together the sacred and the everyday, and most of all those often discarded fragments which are part of the divine motherline. I tell or devise stories for performances, workshops, festivals, intimate or large gatherings, ceremonies, courses. I have a body of work that I have co-created with scientists in various disciplines on a number of projects, and I’m usually happy to work with science stories.
I can also bring stories/workshops/explorations based on my collection of Gwent Folk Tales, published by The History Press.

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