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Delyth Jenkins
Ganwyd Delyth yn dref Croesoswallt ar y ffin. Symudodd i dde Cymru i astudio Ffrangeg a Saesneg ac mae wedi bod yno ers hynny. Er bu’n canu’r piano ers yn ifanc, ni ddechreuodd canu’r delyn (a siarad Cymraeg) nes ei hugeiniau cynnar. Dechreuodd ei gyrfa gerddorol gyda’r band Cromlech yn Abertawe. Yna gyda dau o aelodau’r band aeth ati i ffurfio’r triawd poblogaidd “Aberjaber”. Ar yr un pryd, pe datblygodd Delyth ei gyrfa perfformio unigol llwyddiannus, drwy berfformio ar draws Ewrop, America ac yn agosach i gartref. Hyd yn hyn mae ganddi dri albwm sy’n cyfuno ei chariad tuag at gerddoriaeth draddodiadol a’i chyfansoddiadau modern.

Born in the border town of Oswestry, Delyth moved to South Wales to study French and English and has been there ever since. Although she played the piano from an early age, she did not take up the harp (and the Welsh language) until her early twenties. Starting her musical career with the Swansea-based band Cromlech, she later combined with two of the members to form the highly acclaimed instrumental trio “Aberjaber”. Alongside this, she developed her own successful solo career, performing across Europe and the States, as well as closer to home. To date she has three solo albums, combining her love of traditional music and her own contemporary compositions.
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