Ers 1983, mae Robin Huw Bowen wedi cyflwyno’r Delyn Deires Gymreig a’i cherddoriaeth i filoedd led-led y byd. Fel yr unig delynor Cymreig proffesiynol llawn-amser sy’n arbenigo ar y Deires, mae ei ddylanwad ar y byd Gwerin ac ar hanes y Delyn yn un eang a phwysig. Yn ddiau, fe saif ymysg y ffigurau pwysicaf i godi o draddodiad Gwerin Cymru.
Since 1983, Robin Huw Bowen has introduced the Welsh Triple Harp and its music to thousands all over the world. As the only full-time professional Welsh harpist specializing solely in the Welsh Triple Harp, his influence on the world of Welsh folk music and harping has been far-reaching. He undoubtedly ranks among the most important figures that the Welsh folk tradition has produced.