Rhwydwaith o storïwyr benywaidd yng Nghymru neu sydd â chysylltiadau cryf â Chymru yw Chwedl.
Chwedl is a network of women storytellers based in Wales or with strong links to Wales.
Chwedl is a network of women storytellers based in Wales or with strong links to Wales.
Lleoliad / Location
Cymru / Wales
Dwi’n adrodd storïau hen a newydd yn Saesneg, Cymraeg (weithiau yn Ffrangeg), mewn nifer o leoliadau gwahanol ynghyd ag eraill neu fel perfformiwr unigol.
I tell stories old and new in English, Welsh (and occasionally in French), in many different settings, in collaboration with others or as a solo performer.
I tell stories old and new in English, Welsh (and occasionally in French), in many different settings, in collaboration with others or as a solo performer.
Chwedleuwr yn y draddodiad llafar yn adrodd straeon yng Nghymraeg ac yn ddwyieithiog, ac yn cynnwys cerddoriaeth a chân yn ei pherfformiadau.
A storyteller of the aural tradition who tells stories in Welsh and bilingually, including music and song in her performances.
A storyteller of the aural tradition who tells stories in Welsh and bilingually, including music and song in her performances.
Cantores a telynores sy’n canu caneuon gwerin mewn arddull naturiol a thraddodiadol.
Folk singer and harpist who performs Welsh folk songs in a natural and traditional style.
Folk singer and harpist who performs Welsh folk songs in a natural and traditional style.
Mae Steve yn storïwr ac addysgwr, ac yn byw yng Nghaerdydd. Mae’n adrodd storïau sy’n deillio o draddodiadau doethineb y byd – yn enwedig y rhai hynny sy’n gwneud i ni ail-feddwl a gwneud y byd yn lle brafiach i fod ynddo.
Steve is a storyteller and educator based in Cardiff. He tells stories of the wisdom traditions from all over the world – particularly those that make us think again and make the world a lighter place to be in.
Steve is a storyteller and educator based in Cardiff. He tells stories of the wisdom traditions from all over the world – particularly those that make us think again and make the world a lighter place to be in.
Mae Richard Berry yn dweud storïau: ‘Straeon am Gymru a’r Byd‘
Richard Berry Tells Tales: ‘Stories of Wales and the World‘
Richard Berry Tells Tales: ‘Stories of Wales and the World‘
Mae Michael yn berfformiwr cyfarwydd yng ngwyliau a chlybiau chwedleua y Deyrnas Gyfunol. Yn ei hanfod mae ei repertoire yn un rhyngwladol, er ei fod yn cael ei ysbrydoli’n arbennig gan draddodiad llafar a thirwedd Cymru, ac mae ganddo ddiddordeb mewn adrodd storïau’n ddwyieithog.
Michael is a familiar performer in the UK storytelling festival and club scene. His repertoire is international in nature, though he draws particular inspiration from the Welsh oral heritage and landscape, and also has an interest in bi-lingual storytelling.
Michael is a familiar performer in the UK storytelling festival and club scene. His repertoire is international in nature, though he draws particular inspiration from the Welsh oral heritage and landscape, and also has an interest in bi-lingual storytelling.
Mae Guto Dafis yn ganwr caneuon ac yn storïwr. Mae ei repertoire yn cwmpasu caneuon, alawon, a straeon yn Gymraeg a Saesneg, traddodiadol a chyfoes - repertoire sydd wedi tyfu allan o'i dirwedd bersonol a cherddorol ei hun.
Guto Dafis is a singer of songs and teller of tales. His repertoire encompasses songs, tunes and tales in Welsh and English, traditional and contemporary – a repertoire that has grown out of his own personal and musical landscape.
Guto Dafis is a singer of songs and teller of tales. His repertoire encompasses songs, tunes and tales in Welsh and English, traditional and contemporary – a repertoire that has grown out of his own personal and musical landscape.
Chwedleuwraig yw Fiona sy’n adrodd storïau traddodiadol a gasglwyd o bedwar ban byd, yn enwedig o’r Mabinogi a chwedlau sy’n sôn am ferched a menywod cadarn. Mae wedi dysgu’r Gymraeg i safon da, ac yn gweithio’n ddwyieithog.
Fiona is a storyteller telling traditional tales from around the world, especially from the Mabinogi and tales of strong girls and women. She is a Welsh learner to a good standard and works bilingually.
Fiona is a storyteller telling traditional tales from around the world, especially from the Mabinogi and tales of strong girls and women. She is a Welsh learner to a good standard and works bilingually.
Mae Daniel wedi plesio cynulleidfaoedd ledled y byd gyda'i berfformiadau.
Daniel has delighted audiences all over the world with his performances.
Daniel has delighted audiences all over the world with his performances.
Mae Cath Little yn chwedleuwraig a chantores sy’n tynnu ar ei hetifeddiaeth Wyddelig a Seisnig, a’i mamwlad, sef Cymru, am ei hysbrydoliaeth.
Cath is a storyteller and ballad singer drawing inspiration from her Irish and English heritage and her Welsh homeland.
Cath is a storyteller and ballad singer drawing inspiration from her Irish and English heritage and her Welsh homeland.
Chwedleuwyr / Storytellers, Chwedleuwyr / Storytellers, Chwedleuwyr / Storytellers, Chwedleuwyr / Storytellers, Chwedleuwyr / Storytellers, Chwedleuwyr / Storytellers, Chwedleuwyr / Storytellers, Chwedleuwyr / Storytellers, Chwedleuwyr / Storytellers, Chwedleuwyr / Storytellers, Chwedleuwyr / Storytellers, Chwedleuwyr / Storytellers, Chwedleuwyr / Storytellers
Mae Carl yn gallu perfformio mewn nifer o sefyllfaoedd. Mae’n angerddol am storiâu sydd yn helpu pobl i deimlo cysylltiad gydag eraill a’r byd o’u cwmpas
Carl is able to deliver in a range of situations. He holds a passion for tales that help people connect to the world around them and to each other.
Carl is able to deliver in a range of situations. He holds a passion for tales that help people connect to the world around them and to each other.
Yn canu caneuon, yn eu hysgrifennu, yn adrodd straeon.
Sings songs, writes them, tells stories.
Sings songs, writes them, tells stories.