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Michael Harvey
Mae Michael wedi adrodd straeon ar ei ben ei hunan a gydag artistiaid eraill trwy’r Deyrnas Gyfunol ac Ewrop, yn ogystal â mewn gwyliau chwedleua yng Ngogledd a De America. Mae’r rhan fwyaf o’i waith yn y Gymraeg neu Saesneg ac, ar adegau, yn ddwyieithog. Mae i’w weld yn aml mewn clybiau a gwyliau chwedleua ledled y Deyrnas Gyfunol ac yn cael ysbrydoliaeth o draddodiadau llafar a thirwedd Cymru. Mae’i waith yn cyfuno’r dwys a’r digri ac mae pob perfformiad yn unigryw, wedi’i greu o’r newydd ar gyfer pob lleoliad a chynulleidfa.
Mae Michael yn gweithio gyda phob oedran, o ysgolion meithrin hyd at gyrsiau prifysgol. Mae’n arwain sesiynau llythrennedd dilyn-i-fyny mewn ysgolion cynradd ac uwchradd ac yn dyfeisio prosiectau cymunedol a gyflwynir yng nghwmni artistiaid eraill. Mae’n darparu hyfforddiant i’r darpar chwedleuwr ac i’r chwedleuwr profiadol.
Mae gwaith diweddar Michael yn cynnwys datblygu a theithio’r sioe Breuddwydio’r Cae Nos/Dreaming the Night Field (o Bedwerydd Gainc y Mabinogi) gyda’r cwmni cynhyrchu Adverse Camber. Mae’r sioe yn dilyn teithiau hynod o lwyddiannus gyda’r sioe Hunting the Giant’s Daughter sydd yn fersiwn o Culhwch ac Olwen. Mae’r ddwy sioe yn cael eu pherfformio ar y cyd gyda Stacey Blythe a Lynne Denman, dau ffigwr adnabyddus yn y byd cerddoriaeth werin Gymreig.

Michael has told stories both as a solo performer and with other artists throughout the UK and Europe as well as storytelling festivals in North and South America. Most of his work is in either English or Welsh and occasionally both at the same time! He is a familiar performer in the UK storytelling festival and club scene and draws particular inspiration from the Welsh oral heritage and landscape. He combines depth of material with lightness of delivery which is timed and paced to perfection and minted fresh for every audience.
He works as a storyteller throughout the education sector from nursery to degree level courses and leads literacy follow up sessions for pupils in primary and secondary schools and devises community projects delivered with other artists. He also offers training for would-be and experienced storytellers.
Michael’s recent work includes developing and touring the show Dreaming the Night Field/Breuddwydio’r Cae Nos (from the Fourth Branch of the Mabinogi) with the production company Adverse Camber. This show follows on from the successful tours of another Mabinogion based show Hunting the Giant’s Daughter, a version of Culhwch and Olwen. These two shows are performed with Stacey Blythe and Lynne Denman, two recognised figures in the Welsh folk world.
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