Mae Sound Hire Wales yn cynnig systemau PA, goleuadau a chyfarpar clyweledol o ansawdd uchel.
Sound Hire Wales offers high quality PA systems, lighting and audio visual equipment.
Sound Hire Wales offers high quality PA systems, lighting and audio visual equipment.
Sefydlwyd stiwdio recordio preswyl ‘Mwnci Studios’ yn 2003 ac fe adeiladwyd ar dir ystâd goedwig hardd.
Established in 2003, Mwnci Studios is a purpose-built residential recording studio situated in the grounds of a beautiful rural woodland estate.
Established in 2003, Mwnci Studios is a purpose-built residential recording studio situated in the grounds of a beautiful rural woodland estate.
Mae gan Holly Robinson 30 mlynedd o brofiad perfformio fel chwaraewr ffidil ac mae’n byw yng Ngorllewin Cymru, ac yn cynnig gwasanaethau PR hefyd.
West Wales based fiddle player, tutor and workshop leader Holly Robinson has 30 years’ experience as a performing musician, and also offers PR services.
West Wales based fiddle player, tutor and workshop leader Holly Robinson has 30 years’ experience as a performing musician, and also offers PR services.
Stiwdio sy’n berffaith ar gyfer cerddoriaeth acwstig. Awyrgylch sydd wedi ei greu i gerddorion er mwyn cynhyrchu recordiadau unigryw.
Ideal studio for acoustic and acoustic oriented music - this environment has been created for musicians looking to capture those special moments that make unique recordings.
Ideal studio for acoustic and acoustic oriented music - this environment has been created for musicians looking to capture those special moments that make unique recordings.
Lleoliad / Location
Y Fenni / Abergavenny
Melodionau un-rhes, wedi’u gwneud â llaw gan ddefnyddio prennau caled sy’n tyfu’n lleol a chyrs Eidalaidd Proffesiynol Binci.
One-row melodeons, hand-made using locally sourced hardwoods and Binci Professional Italian reeds.
One-row melodeons, hand-made using locally sourced hardwoods and Binci Professional Italian reeds.
Ffidil, fiola, crythau - eu gwneud a'u hadfer
Violins, Violas, Crwths - making and restoration
Violins, Violas, Crwths - making and restoration
Arbenigwyr mewn Consiertinas. ‘Rydym yn gallu cynhyrchu drymiau sy’n addas at anghenion y mwyafrif o gyfnodau hanesyddol, ochr yn ochr ag offerynnau gwerin mwy traddodiadol.
Concertina specialists. We also produce historical drums for most periods, alongside more traditional folk instruments.
Concertina specialists. We also produce historical drums for most periods, alongside more traditional folk instruments.