Cerddorion a Galwyr o'r ardal Aberystwyth ar gael i godi Twmpathau ar gyfer bob achlysur.
Musicians and Callers from the Aberystwyth area are available to raise Twmpathau for every occasion.
Musicians and Callers from the Aberystwyth area are available to raise Twmpathau for every occasion.
Mae Twmpathology yn fand dawns twmpath pedwar-darn sy'n chwarae alawon traddodiadol o Ynysoedd Prydain a thu hwnt.
Twmpathology are a four-piece ceilidh/barn dance band playing lively traditional style tunes from the British Isles and beyond.
Twmpathology are a four-piece ceilidh/barn dance band playing lively traditional style tunes from the British Isles and beyond.
The Pluck & Squeeze Band are a ceilidh, twmpath, barn dance band based in Cardiff.
Galwyr a Bandiau Twmpath / Callers & Twmpath/Ceilidh Bands, Galwyr a Bandiau Twmpath / Callers & Twmpath/Ceilidh Bands, Galwyr a Bandiau Twmpath / Callers & Twmpath/Ceilidh Bands, Galwyr a Bandiau Twmpath / Callers & Twmpath/Ceilidh Bands, Galwyr a Bandiau Twmpath / Callers & Twmpath/Ceilidh Bands, Galwyr a Bandiau Twmpath / Callers & Twmpath/Ceilidh Bands, Galwyr a Bandiau Twmpath / Callers & Twmpath/Ceilidh Bands, Galwyr a Bandiau Twmpath / Callers & Twmpath/Ceilidh Bands, Galwyr a Bandiau Twmpath / Callers & Twmpath/Ceilidh Bands, Galwyr a Bandiau Twmpath / Callers & Twmpath/Ceilidh Bands
Galwr dawns ar gyfer twmpathau, ceilidhs ac ati, sy'n gweithio gydag amrywiaeth o fandiau rhagorol yng ngorllewin Cymru.
Dance caller for twmpathau, ceilidhs and so on. Links with a variety of excellent bands in west Wales
Dance caller for twmpathau, ceilidhs and so on. Links with a variety of excellent bands in west Wales
Juice yw un o fandiau ceilidh mwyaf poblogaidd de Cymru.
Juice is one of South Wales’ longest running and most popular ceilidh band.
Juice is one of South Wales’ longest running and most popular ceilidh band.
Band acwstig yw Cat’s Claw sy’n perfformio cerddoriaeth Cymraeg, Gwyddeleg, Albaneg, Ewropeaidd ac Americanaidd.
Cat's Claw is fundamentally an all-acoustic band that gets your feet moving and the tunes are those that the band enjoys playing together, whether Welsh, Irish, Scottish, European or American.
Cat's Claw is fundamentally an all-acoustic band that gets your feet moving and the tunes are those that the band enjoys playing together, whether Welsh, Irish, Scottish, European or American.
Yn arbenigo mewn chwarae cerddoriaeth ddawns Gymreig, mae Calennig yr un mor gartrefol yn chwarae ar gyfer arbenigwyr a dechreuwyr fel ei gilydd.
Specialising in Welsh dance music, Calennig are equally at home playing for experts and novices alike.
Specialising in Welsh dance music, Calennig are equally at home playing for experts and novices alike.
Mae gan Band y Braichmelyn dros ugain mlynedd o brofiad yn rhedeg ceilidhs a thwmpathau llwyddiannus.
Band Y Braichmelyn have over twenty years experience of running successful ceilidhs and twmpathau.
Band Y Braichmelyn have over twenty years experience of running successful ceilidhs and twmpathau.
Band Twmpath a Band Ceilidh prysuraf Ogledd Cymru yw Aderyn Prin
Aderin Prin are North Wales’s busiest Ceilidh Band
Aderin Prin are North Wales’s busiest Ceilidh Band
Lleoliad / Location
North Wales