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Cat’s Claw
Band acwstig yw Cat’s Claw sy’n perfformio cerddoriaeth Cymraeg, Gwyddeleg, Albaneg, Ewropeaidd ac Americanaidd. Yn arwain y band yw Guy sy’n sefydlu rhythm y band o ganlyniad i’w brofiad o berfformio gyda nifer o fandiau. Rhythmau Roger ar y tabwrdd sy’n adio at drefniannau dyfeisgar Selyf ac Imogen o’r alawon. Mae Huw yn adnabyddus ar y sin werin Cymraeg ac mae ei chwarae yn ychwanegu haen unigryw i’r gerddoriaeth. Mae’r band yn addasu at anghenion y galwr ac yn ôl gallu a dymuniadau’r dawnswyr.

Cat's Claw is fundamentally an all-acoustic band that gets your feet moving and the tunes are those that the band enjoys playing together, whether Welsh, Irish, Scottish, European or American. Working centre stage, Guy is responsible for the band's characteristic rhythmic style with an understanding developed through a six-year apprenticeship in various South Wales bands. Selyf and Imogen go on flights of fancy in and around the tune, emphasising Roger's critical role in pinning the whole thing down with his inventive yet rhythmic bodhran playing. Huw on guitar is a well-known face in Welsh folk music, and his creative rhythmic style adds another dimension to the band's music. The band calls on a selection of experienced callers who will fit the dances to whatever the audience particularly wants - or are capable of!
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