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Nial Cain
Nial Cain – gwneuthurwr feiolinau sydd wedi bwrw ei brentisiaeth ers 1987 (prentisiwyd i Maestro Liutaio D Barry Oliver, disgybl G B Morrassi, F Bisolotti, G Scaraboto).Yn arbenigo ar Feiolinau, Fiolâu a Chrythau Cain o wneuthuriad un darn, bwâu Crwth a chadwraeth ac adnewyddu offerynnau llinynnol. Dewis bychan o offerynnau diddorol ar werth.

Nial Cain – time-served violin maker since 1987 (apprenticed to master luthier D Barry Oliver, pupil of G B Morrassi, F Bisolotti, G Scaraboto). Specialises in Violins, Violas, Fine Crwths of single piece construction, Crwth Bows and the conservation and restoration of all string family instruments. Small selection of interesting instruments for sale.

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