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Nath Trevett
Ma’ Nath yn gitarydd, liwtydd a Chrynwr sy’n trefnu caneuon gwerin Gymreig, caneuon crefyddol ac alawon mewn ieithoedd eraill weithiau’n offerynnol ac weithiau’n cynnwys llais. Ganwyd Nath ym Mryste m 1986 a magwyd yn Llantrisant ers roedd yn bedwar mlwydd oed. Dechreuodd ddysgu’r gitâr pan yn saith oed, a thyfodd ei ddiddordeb mewn cerdd gwerin pan oedd yn ei arddegau. Astudiodd Nath yng Ngholeg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru, Caerdydd, lle ddysgwyd hefyd i warae’r liwt wrth ochr ei brif astudiaeth – y gitâr glasurol – a chyn graddedigaeth, cyflwynodd ffolio o’i drefniadau gwerin ei hun (o ganeuon sy’n amrywio o Gymru, Yr Alban ac Iwerddon) yn lle Treathawd Hir.

Nath is a guitarist, lutenist and Quaker who arranges Welsh folk songs, religious songs and tunes in other languages sometimes instrumentally and sometimes including voice. Nath was born in Bristol in 1986 and raised in Llantrisant from the age of 4. He began to learn the guitar when he was 7, and his interest in folk music started to grow when he was a teenager. Nath studied at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama in Cardiff, where he also learned to play the lute alongside his principal study – the classical guitar – and before graduation, he submitted a portfolio of his own folk arrangements (of tunes which range from Welsh, Scottish and Irish) in place of a dissertation.



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