‘Rydym wedi arbenigo mewn Consertinas ers y 70au hwyr, ar er bod y rhelyw o’n busnes wedi canolbwyntio ar adfer hen offerynnau, ‘rydym wedi bod yn cynhyrchu Consiertinas ers 1982.
Serch hynny, gyda’r prinder o Gonsiertinas, yn enwedig o’r math Anglo yng nghanol y 90au, ‘rydym wedi canolbwyntio ar gynhyrchu nifer mwy o gonsiertinas fforddiadwy, tra’n dal i gynnig gwasanaeth adfer llawn.
Mae’r ochr offer taro o’n busnes wedi tyfu oherwydd y diddordeb cynyddol mewn ail-greu hanesyddol a cherddoriaeth gynnar, ac erbyn hyn, ‘rydym yn gallu cynhyrchu drymiau sy’n addas at anghenion y mwyafrif o gyfnodau hanesyddol, ochr yn ochr ag offerynnau gwerin mwy traddodiadol.
We have specialised in Concertinas since the late 70`s, and although the main thrust of our business has been restoration of older instruments, we have manufactured Concertinas since 1982.
With the shortages of Concertinas however, particularly Anglo`s in the mid 90`s, we have concentrated on producing a larger number of affordable concertinas, whilst still maintaining a full restoration facility.
The percussion side of our business has grown out of the increased interest in historical re-enactment and early music, and we are now able to produce drums for most periods, alongside more traditional folk instruments.