Mae llwyth o wybodaeth ar gael ar ddawnsio traddodiadol Cymreig ar wefan Cymdeithas Ddawns Werin Cymru. Mae’r safle yn cynnwys gwybodaeth am hanesion dawnsiau, timau o gwmpas Cymru, digwyddiadau a gwyliau.
There’s masses of information on traditional Welsh dance on the website of the Welsh Folk Dance Society. The site includes information on dances, teams around Wales, events and festivals.
There’s masses of information on traditional Welsh dance on the website of the Welsh Folk Dance Society. The site includes information on dances, teams around Wales, events and festivals.
Morys y ffin gydag ymarweddiad! Ardal Casgwent i Gasnewydd.
Border Morris With Attitude! Chepstow to Newport area
Border Morris With Attitude! Chepstow to Newport area
Yr tîm Morris cymysg leol ar gyfer Casnewydd a Gwent
The local mixed Morris side for Newport and Gwent
The local mixed Morris side for Newport and Gwent
‘Dyn ni’n perfformio dawnsiau sy’n amrywio o ddawnsiau araf, llysaidd i ddawnsiau cyflymach y ffair, ac hefyd yn cynnwys dawnsiau’r glocsen.
Welsh Folk Dance team: we perform dances which vary from slow, courtly dances to the faster fair dances and also include clog dances.
Welsh Folk Dance team: we perform dances which vary from slow, courtly dances to the faster fair dances and also include clog dances.
Rydym yn cyfarfod bob nos Lun yn Llanfyllin er mwyn dysgu ac ymarfer dawnsfeydd gwerin o Gymru a rwtinau clocsio a’r alawon sy’n cyd-fynd â nhw. Mae ein grŵp yn cynnwys dawnswyr, cerddorion a’r rheiny sy’n dawnsio ac yn chwarae offerynnau.
We meet every Monday evening in Llanfyllin to learn and practice Welsh folk dances and clogging routines and their tunes. Our group consists of dancers, musicians and those who both dance and play.
We meet every Monday evening in Llanfyllin to learn and practice Welsh folk dances and clogging routines and their tunes. Our group consists of dancers, musicians and those who both dance and play.
Mae Clocs Canton yn grŵp dawns Forys Gogledd Orllewin (ffurf nodweddiadol ar ddawnsio Morys, sy’n defnyddio clocsiau) wedi’i leoli yng Nghaerdydd.
Clocs Canton are a North West Morris dance group based in Cardiff, South Wales. We perform at a variety of events - fetes, festivals and in pubs both around Cardiff and further afield.
Clocs Canton are a North West Morris dance group based in Cardiff, South Wales. We perform at a variety of events - fetes, festivals and in pubs both around Cardiff and further afield.