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Cymdeithas Ddawns Werin Cymru / Welsh Folk Dance Society
Mae llwyth o wybodaeth ar gael ar ddawnsio traddodiadol Cymreig ar wefan Cymdeithas Ddawns Werin Cymru. Mae’r safle yn cynnwys gwybodaeth am hanesion dawnsiau, timau o gwmpas Cymru, digwyddiadau a gwyliau. Gallwch ddod o hyd i wybodaeth am hanes y gymdeithas, rhestr o gyhoeddiadau’r gymdeithas a ble y gallwch eu prynu, yn ogystal â gweld beth sydd ar y gweill at y dyfodol o fewn yr adran ‘Digwyddiadau’. Os hoffech ymchwilio ymhellach gallwch hefyd gael mynediad at archifau’r gymdeithas yn Amgueddfa Sain Ffagan.

There’s masses of information on traditional Welsh dance on the website of the Welsh Folk Dance Society. The site includes information on dances, teams around Wales, events and festivals. You will find information about the history of the association, a list of publications from the society and where to buy them, see events in the future and take a look at past events - as well as learn more about the different types of dances , access the archives of the Society in St Fagans and find your local dance team.

  • Cymdeithas Ddawns Werin Cymru / Welsh Folk Dance Society
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