Mae perfformiadau Steve wedi’u cynllunio i ennyn diddordeb y gynulleidfa ac i fod yn ddigri a difrifol. Mae ganddo ddiddordeb mewn defnyddio storïau a storïa i feithrin empathi a dealltwriaeth emosiynol.
Fe yw awdur – ar y cyd gyda Taffy Thomas, Chwedleuwr Llawryfog cyntaf y Deyrnas Gyfunol – y cyfrolau ‘Telling Tales – storytelling as emotional literacy’ a ‘Building Relationship through Storytelling: a guide for foster carers’. Mae’n adrodd posau, straeon gwerin, straeon y tylwyth teg, mythau a chwedlau, yn aml gyda llawer o gyfranogiad gan, a thrafodaeth gyda, cynulleidfaoedd o bob oedran mewn llawer math o leoliadau amrywiol.
Mae wedi perfformio mewn llawer gŵyl chwedleua ac mae hefyd yn dysgu ac hyfforddi sut mae defnyddio chwedleua a storïau at bwrpas addysgiadol a therapiwtig. Yn ogystal, mae’n cynnal gweithdai ar gyfer unrhywun sydd â diddordeb mewn storïa, ar ba bynnag lefel. Ar hyn o bryd, mae’n gweithio ar ei lyfr cyntaf i blant, ‘Feelings are a Funny Thing’, sydd wedi’i seilio ar ei sioe i ysgolion.
Fe yw awdur – ar y cyd gyda Taffy Thomas, Chwedleuwr Llawryfog cyntaf y Deyrnas Gyfunol – y cyfrolau ‘Telling Tales – storytelling as emotional literacy’ a ‘Building Relationship through Storytelling: a guide for foster carers’. Mae’n adrodd posau, straeon gwerin, straeon y tylwyth teg, mythau a chwedlau, yn aml gyda llawer o gyfranogiad gan, a thrafodaeth gyda, cynulleidfaoedd o bob oedran mewn llawer math o leoliadau amrywiol.
Mae wedi perfformio mewn llawer gŵyl chwedleua ac mae hefyd yn dysgu ac hyfforddi sut mae defnyddio chwedleua a storïau at bwrpas addysgiadol a therapiwtig. Yn ogystal, mae’n cynnal gweithdai ar gyfer unrhywun sydd â diddordeb mewn storïa, ar ba bynnag lefel. Ar hyn o bryd, mae’n gweithio ar ei lyfr cyntaf i blant, ‘Feelings are a Funny Thing’, sydd wedi’i seilio ar ei sioe i ysgolion.
Steve’s performances are designed to engage the audience and be both playful and serious. He is interested in using stories and storytelling to cultivate empathy and emotional understanding.
He has written ‘Telling Tales - storytelling as emotional literacy’ with Taffy Thomas, the first UK Storytelling Laureate, and ‘Building Relationship through Storytelling: a guide for foster carers’. He tells riddles, folk and fairy tales and myths and legends often with much audience participation and discussion to all age groups in many different kinds of settings.
He has performed at many storytelling festivals and also teaches and trains in the educational and therapeutic uses of stories and storytelling as well as running workshops for anybody interested in storytelling at whatever level. He is currently working on his first children’s book ‘Feelings are a Funny Thing’ based on his show for schools.
He has written ‘Telling Tales - storytelling as emotional literacy’ with Taffy Thomas, the first UK Storytelling Laureate, and ‘Building Relationship through Storytelling: a guide for foster carers’. He tells riddles, folk and fairy tales and myths and legends often with much audience participation and discussion to all age groups in many different kinds of settings.
He has performed at many storytelling festivals and also teaches and trains in the educational and therapeutic uses of stories and storytelling as well as running workshops for anybody interested in storytelling at whatever level. He is currently working on his first children’s book ‘Feelings are a Funny Thing’ based on his show for schools.
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