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Fiona Collins
Wedi bod yn chwedleua ers 1990, mae Fiona Collins yn trin storïau traddodiadol, mythau a chwedlau o bedwar ban byd, ac mae ganddi ddiddordeb arbennig mewn storïau sy’n sôn am ferched a menywod cadarn.
Mae ei Doethuriaeth mewn Chwedleua yn archwilio’r ffordd y mae storïau traddodiadol yn cyfrannu at ddatblygiad plant ifanc.
Mae’n gweithio gyda phobl o bod oedran a gallu, gan gynnwys grwpiau integredig o bobl anabl ac abl; i Radio 4 a radio lleol; i deledu’r BBC a Carlton, yn ogystal â mewn amgueddfeydd, ysgolion, safleoedd hanesyddol a gwyliau o gwmpas Cymru, Lloegr a thramor. Yn ei gwaith mae’n archwilio’r cysylltiadau sy’n bodoli rhwng tirlun, pobl a straeon Cymru, ac yn mwynhau gweithio yn yr awyr agored i helpu pobl i ymgysylltu â’r amgylchedd drwy gyfrwng chwedleua a chreu storïau. Mae wedi dysgu’r Gymraeg i safon da, ac yn gweithio’n ddwyieithog.

A storyteller since 1990, Fiona Collins works with traditional stories, myths and legends from around the world, with a special interest in stories of girls and strong women.
Her PhD in Storytelling explores the contribution of traditional tales to the development of young children.
She works with people of all ages and abilities, including integrated groups of disabled and non–disabled people; for Radio 4 and local radio; for Carlton and BBC TV; as well as museums, schools, hospitals, historic sites and festivals around Wales, England and abroad. Her work explores the connections between the landscape, the people and the tales of Wales, and she enjoys working outdoors helping people to connect with their environment through stories and story making. She is a Welsh learner to a good standard and works bilingually.

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