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Three Legg’d Mare
Band o Aberystwyth yw’r Gaseg Deircoes, a ddaeth at ei gilydd trwy eu diddordeb mewn caneuon ac alawon traddodiadol Cymru, Lloegr ac yn bell tu hwnt, a’r llên werin a’r hanes cymdeithasol sy’n gorwedd y tu ôl iddynt. Maent yn canu hen ganeuon am wallgofrwydd, serch, angau, antur a bywyd bob dydd, wedi eu plethu gydag alawon traddodiadol – ac ambell i gyfansoddiad newydd. Gyda dehongliadau bywiog a synhwyrus, harmonïau lleisiol agos a nifer helaeth o offerynnau, mae’r Gaseg Deircoes yn dilyn trywydd trwy hanes werin gydag angerdd ac afiaith sy’n ennill poblogrwydd cynyddol iddynt ledled Cymru a’r gororau.

Three Legg’d Mare are an Aberystwyth band who were brought together by a common interest in the traditional songs and tunes of Wales, England and far beyond, and the social history and folklore that lies behind them. They sing old songs of madness, love, death, adventure and everyday life, intertwined with traditional tunes - and some original compositions. With lively and sensitive interpretations, close vocal harmonies and a multitude of instruments,   Three Legg’d Mare chart a course through folk history with a passion and verve that’s earning them a growing following throughout Wales and the borders.
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