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Syniad Owen Shiers, un o frodorion Dyffryn Clettwr yw’r Cynefin hwn. Mae’n brosiect mapio cerddorol sydd yn tynnu llinell o’r gorffennol i’r presennol – gan gychwyn ym mro ei febyd. Magwyd Owen ar aelwyd gerddorol Gymreig – o’r alawon swynol a grwydrai o weithdy telynau ei Dad i fywyd ysgol a gwyliau megis yr Eisteddfod a’r Cnapan.

The brain-child of West Wales native Owen Shiers, this Cynefin is a musical mapping project which traces a line from the past to the present – starting in the Clettwr Valley where he was raised. Owen grew up immersed in Welsh music – from the sonorous melodies emanating from his father’s harp workshop to school life and festivals such as the Eisteddfod and Cnapan.
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