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Bendith yw cymysgedd o dalentau’r bandiau Colorama a Plu. Rhyddhawyd eu sengl gyntaf ‘Danybanc’ yn 2016 ac enillodd eu halbwm cyntaf ‘Bendith’ wobr Albwm y Flwyddyn yn 2017. Aelodau’r band yw Carwyn Ellis o Colorama ynghyd ag Elan, Marged a Gwilym Rhys o’r band Plu. Mae’r caneuon wedi eu hysbrydoli gan- ymdeimlad lle, teulu a chartref.

Bendith is the mixture of the talents of the bands Colorama and Plu. Their single ‘Danybanc’ was released in 2016 and their first album ‘Bendith’ won the Welsh Language Album of the Year in 2017. The band members are Carwyn Ellis from Colorama alongside Elan, Marged and Gwilym Rhys from Plu. The songs are inspired by roots – the sense of place, family and home.
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