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Mae Maelog yn fand o Gaerdydd sy’n perfformio cerddoriaeth sy’n gymysgedd o gerddoriaeth o Galicia a Chymru. Maen’t hefyd yn darganfod y cysylltiadau rhwng y ddwy traddodiad. Mae drymiau traddodiadol o Galicia fel y bombo, tamboril, pandeireta a’r peitoque yn gosod rhythm bywiog; mae’r guitar a’r bouzouki yn cyhyrchu harmonïau sydd yn galluogi‘r ffidil Cymraeg ychwangeu alawon trawiadol i’r cyfansoddiadau. Mae’r pibau Galician, y gaita, yn ychwanegiad egnïol i sain y band. Mae canu Cymraeg a Galician yn plethu i greu sain unigryw y band.

Maelog is a Cardiff-based collaboration of Galician and Welsh artists that explores the links between the traditional folk music of both Celtic shores. Maelog’s music is a well-balanced brew blending the contagious effervescence of Galician music with the melodic charm by which Welsh folk has always been renowned. Traditional Galician drums like bombo, tamboril, pandeireta, peitoque… drive the rhythms; guitar and bouzouki nimbly paint the harmonies, allowing the Welsh fiddles to soar in melody and counterpoint. Through it all, the effortless energy and purity of the gaita, the Galician bagpipes, will have you throwing your arms in the air and your feet won’t stop. The frothy head over this bold new flavour of sound are the Galician and Welsh voices, which spill traditional and contemporary songs over the side of the glass.
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