Jamie Smith Mabon yw un o fandiau Celtaidd mwyaf medrus a thalentog Prydain. Maent wedi ennill eu henw da o ganlyniad yw perfformiadau egnïol a’i recordiadau syfrdanol.
Mae'r band wedi treulio nifer o flynyddoedd yn teithio o gwmpas Prydain, Ewrop a thu hwnt yn gyson. Llwyddai JSM archwilio ffurfiau ac arddulliau cerddoriaeth draddodiadol Geltaidd a’i adfywio mewn ffordd newydd gydag egni, llawenydd ac angerdd. Mae eu perfformiadau yn gyfuniad medrus o ganeuon, alawon, cyfansoddiadau gwreiddiol a’u dawn gerddorol.
One of the most highly accomplished and critically acclaimed Celtic roots music bands based in Britain today, Jamie Smith’s MABON have built their reputation on their exhilarating live performances and deftly worked recordings.
The band have spent several years performing constantly across the UK, Europe and further afield, and this has provided the platform for their blistering live shows. Songs, instrumentals - a broad musical palette - the combination of original compositions and talented musicianship has been rewarded by the broad range of events at which the band has been invited to perform; and a collection of awards from supporters and pundits alike has only enhanced their considerable reputation.