Mae’r Foxglove Trio yn mwynhau darganfod caneuon gwerin anadnabyddus a’u trawsnewid nhw fel rhan o gyfansoddiadau crefftus.
Fel triawd maent yn mwynhau darganfod caneuon gwerin anadnabyddus a’u trawsnewid nhw fel rhan o gyfansoddiadau crefftus. Ers i’r band ffurfio yn 2010 mae’r cerddorion talentog yma wedi sefydlu sain unigryw gan ddefnyddio sain Patrick Dean (Melodeon), Cathy Mason (Soddgrwth) a Ffion Mair (llais).
The Foxglove Trio is a group of multi-instrumentalists who perform mostly traditional songs from around the British Isles in English and Welsh.
As a trio they seek out lesser-known traditional and contemporary folk songs and, with care and creativity, transform them into moments of breathtaking beauty. Since forming in 2010 these talented musicians have built a powerful signature sound based on Patrick Dean’s bold melodeon playing, Cathy Mason’s intricate cello lines and Ffion Mair’s clear, soaring vocals.