Gweithdai cerddoriaeth draddodiadol sy’n defnyddio ffordd o ddysgu sy’n pwysleisio profiad y dysgwr sy’n addas ar gyfer pob oedran a gallu. Dysgwch harmonica diatonig (pob steil), offerynnau taro gwerin (llwyau a thabwrdd), jaw harp, chwiban, ukulele, canu ac ysgrifennu caneuon.
Gweithdai ar gyfer themâu penodol neu ar gyfer “grwpiau targed penodol” yn cynnwys elfennau hanes, ieithyddol a chwedleua. Athro cymwysedig (PGCE) ynghyd a 20 mlynedd o brofiad dysgu. Canolfannau celfyddyd, gwyliau, colegau, recordio mewn stiwdio, Urdd, Arbrawf Mawr (tiwtor), Urdd (cefnogi cerddorion) cerddorfa, ysgolion, theatr, addysg oedolion, digwyddiadau corfforaethol, prosiectau cymunedol, addysg arbennig, iechyd meddwl, grwpiau pensiynwyr, sefydliadau, partïon preifat, gwersi Skype, digwyddiadau trac, radio/ teledu/ sinema, clybiau ar ôl ysgol, gweithgareddau gwyliau a digwyddiad amrywiol eraill.
Artist aml-offerynnol, artist recordio, chwaraewr sesiwn ac yn hen law mewn perfformio, trefnu digwyddiadau cerddorol amrywiol, perfformiadau cymunedol a gigs band. Sefydlwyd clwb harmonica a ukulele Caerdydd. Yn aelod o’r undeb cerddorion (i-teach), wedi dysgu trwy’r National Harmonica League, Trac Cymru, Bristol Folk House, Head 4 Arts, Bristol Plays Music a mwy.
Sefydlodd nifer o fandiau rhagorol yn cynnwys Whiskey River (gyda Martin Blake) a The Box Band (gydag aelodau o Bluehorses).
Tystysgrif DBS + Tystysgrif gwarchod, Yswiriant Atebolrwydd Cyhoeddus (trwy’r undeb cerddorion). Geirda ar gael.
Dysgu wedi ei raddio yn “arbennig” (gan Estyn AEM a Bristol Plays Music).
Gweithdai ar gyfer themâu penodol neu ar gyfer “grwpiau targed penodol” yn cynnwys elfennau hanes, ieithyddol a chwedleua. Athro cymwysedig (PGCE) ynghyd a 20 mlynedd o brofiad dysgu. Canolfannau celfyddyd, gwyliau, colegau, recordio mewn stiwdio, Urdd, Arbrawf Mawr (tiwtor), Urdd (cefnogi cerddorion) cerddorfa, ysgolion, theatr, addysg oedolion, digwyddiadau corfforaethol, prosiectau cymunedol, addysg arbennig, iechyd meddwl, grwpiau pensiynwyr, sefydliadau, partïon preifat, gwersi Skype, digwyddiadau trac, radio/ teledu/ sinema, clybiau ar ôl ysgol, gweithgareddau gwyliau a digwyddiad amrywiol eraill.
Artist aml-offerynnol, artist recordio, chwaraewr sesiwn ac yn hen law mewn perfformio, trefnu digwyddiadau cerddorol amrywiol, perfformiadau cymunedol a gigs band. Sefydlwyd clwb harmonica a ukulele Caerdydd. Yn aelod o’r undeb cerddorion (i-teach), wedi dysgu trwy’r National Harmonica League, Trac Cymru, Bristol Folk House, Head 4 Arts, Bristol Plays Music a mwy.
Sefydlodd nifer o fandiau rhagorol yn cynnwys Whiskey River (gyda Martin Blake) a The Box Band (gydag aelodau o Bluehorses).
Tystysgrif DBS + Tystysgrif gwarchod, Yswiriant Atebolrwydd Cyhoeddus (trwy’r undeb cerddorion). Geirda ar gael.
Dysgu wedi ei raddio yn “arbennig” (gan Estyn AEM a Bristol Plays Music).
User-friendly, learner-focused traditional music workshops, suits all ages and abilities. Learn diatonic harmonica (all styles), folk percussion (spoons, bodhran), jaw harps, pennywhistle, ukulele, singing and song-writing.
Workshops for particular themes or for “specific target groups” including elements of history, linguistics and storytelling. Fully qualified teacher (PGCE) with over 20 years teaching experience. Arts centres, festivals, colleges, recording studio work, Urdd, Arbrawf Mawr / Big Experiment (tutor), Urdd (supporting musician) orchestra pit, schools, theatres, adult education, corporate events, community projects, special education, mental health, senior citizen groups, institutions, private parties, Skype lessons, Trac Cymru events, adult education classes, radio / TV / cinema, after-school clubs, holiday activities and at various themed events.
A multi-instrumentalist, recording artist, session player and seasoned performer, organising various music events, open mic nights, community concerts and band gigs. Established Cardiff harmonica and ukulele club. Member of the Musicians Union (i-teach), tuition delivered via the National Harmonica League, Trac Cymru, Bristol Folk House, Head 4 Arts, Bristol Plays Music and more.
Founder member of several excellent bands including Whiskey River (with Martin Blake) and The Box Band (with members of Bluehorses).
DBS + Safeguarding certificate, Public liability Insurance (all via MU). References available on request.
Tuition rated "excellent” (both HM Estyn Inspectorate and Bristol Plays Music).
"Be assured of an effective, inspirational workshop experience".
Workshops for particular themes or for “specific target groups” including elements of history, linguistics and storytelling. Fully qualified teacher (PGCE) with over 20 years teaching experience. Arts centres, festivals, colleges, recording studio work, Urdd, Arbrawf Mawr / Big Experiment (tutor), Urdd (supporting musician) orchestra pit, schools, theatres, adult education, corporate events, community projects, special education, mental health, senior citizen groups, institutions, private parties, Skype lessons, Trac Cymru events, adult education classes, radio / TV / cinema, after-school clubs, holiday activities and at various themed events.
A multi-instrumentalist, recording artist, session player and seasoned performer, organising various music events, open mic nights, community concerts and band gigs. Established Cardiff harmonica and ukulele club. Member of the Musicians Union (i-teach), tuition delivered via the National Harmonica League, Trac Cymru, Bristol Folk House, Head 4 Arts, Bristol Plays Music and more.
Founder member of several excellent bands including Whiskey River (with Martin Blake) and The Box Band (with members of Bluehorses).
DBS + Safeguarding certificate, Public liability Insurance (all via MU). References available on request.
Tuition rated "excellent” (both HM Estyn Inspectorate and Bristol Plays Music).
"Be assured of an effective, inspirational workshop experience".