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Ruthin All Styles Folk & Acoustic Music Club
Wedi'i gyhoeddi fel un o'r clybiau mwyaf cyfeillgar a chyflymaf yn yr ardal, rydym yn croesawu pob math o gerddoriaeth acwstig fyw. O gitâr acwstig i acordion, pennywhistle i piano, banjo i gitâr bas, mandolin i faracas.

P'un a ydych chi'n berfformiwr neu'n well gennych chi wrando, mae croeso mawr i chi ymuno â ni bob nos Iau yn The Feathers Inn, Rhuthun.
Heralded as one of the friendliest and fastest-growing clubs in the area, we welcome all styles of live acoustic music. From acoustic guitar to accordion, pennywhistle to piano, banjo to bass guitar, mandolin to maracas.

Whether you're a performer or just prefer to listen, you are most welcome to join us every Thursday evening at The Feathers Inn, Ruthin.
Lleoliad / Location
Rhuthun / Ruthin
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