Bob blwyddyn ers 1947 mae Llangollen wedi cynnal un o wyliau diwylliannol mwyaf ysbrydoledig y byd. Bob haf bydd tua 4,000 o berfformwyr a 35,000 o ymwelwyr yn tyrru i’r dref fechan hon ac i’w Phafiliwn Rhyngwladol i ganu a dawnsio mewn cyfuniad unigryw o gystadlu, perfformio a heddwch a chyfeillgarwch rhyngwladol.
Every summer since 1947 Llangollen has staged one of the world’s most inspirational cultural festivals. Each year around 4,000 performers and as many as 35,000 visitors converge on this beautiful small Welsh town and its International Pavilion; to sing and dance in a unique combination of competition, performance, and international peace and friendship.