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Juliette Cavanagh
Mae Julliette Cavanagh yn cyfansoddi a perfformio gwerin gyfoes mewn digwyddiadau a gwyliau. Mae ei cherddoriaeth yn ymdrin â chwedlau, bywyd, y tir, hyd a lledrith a’r hynafol. Teimlai fod ei chysylltiad personol gyda’r tir yn ysbrydoliaeth bwysig i’w cherddoriaeth. Ganwyd yn yr Alban a’i magwyd yn ne Cymru a Llundain. Yn ne Cymru mae’n teimlo ei bod hi’n perthyn.

As a singer songwriter of contemporary folk I perform predominantly at events, festivals and other venues. My music has been described as ethereal and dreamy with inspired lyrics that invite imagination. My songs are about the land, myths and legends, life, folklore and magic and are a merging of the ancient with the contemporary. I feel that my own connections with the landscape I am in are essential to my songwriting. I was born in Scotland and lived in London and in South Wales as a child. Both my parents were classical musicians and we tended to move to where the orchestral work was for them. As an adult I felt I came home to South Wales and it is here that I feel I belong.
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