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Gwyneth Glyn
Mae Gwyneth Glyn yn gantores a bardd. Mae ganddi sain unigryw sydd yn plethu caneuon hunafol traddodiadol Cymreig a sain modern.
Un â’i thraed wedi eu gwreiddio’n ddyfn ym mhridd Eifionydd, ond sydd wastad â’i golygon ar orwelion pell. Yn gantores, bardd a dramodydd, gwêl ei hun fel anturwraig gelfyddydol, sy’n ffynnu ar arbrofi â gwahanol ffurfiau.

Gwyneth Glyn is a singer and poet. Drawing on her ancient Welsh folk tradition as well as contemporary influences, her own unique sound is often described as timeless.
Although her feet are rooted deep in the earth of Eifionydd, Gwyneth’s gaze is always drawn to distant horizons. A poet, singer and playwright, she sees herself as an artist-adventurer who thrives on experimenting with different forms.
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